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School Council

At Stoneraise School, pupil voice is integral to the decision making of many aspects of school life. The School Council acts like a mini-democracy - a bit like the Houses of Parliament, with MPs being our Class Councillors. The School Council is run by the children who have been voted as Class Councillors. There are four classes, but only three classes make up the School Council. Each class (Beech, Elm, Hazel and Oak) have their own Class Council. They have meetings to help the school become a better place to learn. 


Each Class Council has three council members. Those three children have to be voted for in a similar way to a General Election. They prepare a speech which they present to the rest of the class, then the class votes for them to represent their interests at the full School Council meetings. 


When you are a Class Councillor, you have to wear a special badge so that people know what your role is and so they can ask you to take ideas to the next meeting. 


Recently, the School Council developed a School Charter. We shared the following across the school:





Stoneraise School Charter.jpg

Some of the things that the School Council has done in the past few years:


  • Planning and improving our adventure trail;

  • MUGA: This stands for Multi-Use Games Arena;

  • Wet playtime games: The children compiled a list of age-appropriate games for each class;

  • Worked towards overhauling our lunch menu and the way that we order dinners Online;

  • Last year we explored how we could ensure that our snacks at break time were healthy, leading to less litter and making it fair for all (we even tried out a Cocoa Club and Fruit Club).


Written by children in Class Oak.

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T: 01228 712277        A: Stoneraise School | Durdar | Carlisle | CA5 7AT        E:       I: @stoneraise_school

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