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Stoneraise School
'Living and learning together to care for each other and our world.'
T: 01228 712277 E: office@stoneraise.cumbria.sch.uk
The governing body of Stoneraise School came into effect on 1/2/2015. It consists of 12 governors: 4 Parent, 5 Co-opted, 1 Local Authority, 1 Staff and 1 Head Teacher. Our Instrument of Government can be found by clicking here.
The governing body provides support and gives challenge to the School Leadership Team (SLT). They help make strategic decisions for the school for the benefit of all stakeholders.
Periodically, the governors meet as smaller sub-committees to explore areas of school decision making in more detail. Following these meetings, reports are presented back to the full governing body for ratification. The Scheme of Delegation can be downloaded by clicking here.
Our sub-committees are as follows (click on the committee name to download the relevant Terms of Reference document:
Staffing and Finance - this group works to ensure that the school runs within its means: setting the budget and holding the SLT to account over spending decisions.
Curriculum - this sub-committee works to ensure that the children at Stoneraise School receive a high quality, broad and balanced curriculum and that excellent standards in teaching and learning are maintained.
General Purposes - these governors ensure that the school building and overall site is of the highest standards in terms of health and safety.
Individual governors are also responsible for holding monitoring visits which are linked to different areas of school life including: staffing, finance, safeguarding, teaching and learning, SEND and health and safety.
Stoneraise School governors seek to abide by a Code of Conduct which is adopted annually. To view the document, please click here.
We have a wide range of skills, occupations and areas of interest represented by the members of our Governing Body. Please see the results from our Diversity Audit by clicking here.
If you would like any further information on school governance, please contact the Clerk to the Governing Body, Mary Davidson. This can be done either by email (use the 'Contact Us' tab) or letter.
Current Governing Body
Governor Attendance (Full Meetings)
Governor Attendance (Committee Meetings)
The minutes from the governing body are a public record. If you would like to obtain a copy of previous minutes, please contact the Clerk to the governors.