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New Parents

We are delighted that you have chosen to send your child to Stoneraise School. If your child is due to start school in September, or they're joining us through the academic year, we would like to give you a warm welcome. Our school motto is 'Living and learning together to care for each other and our world' and we look forward to you joining our school community. We want to ensure that your transition into school life is as smooth as possible. Whether joining us in September, or mid-way through the school year, you will receive an information pack (either sent by post or email) with full details about what you need to do next. It contains details about the school day, induction sessions (if joining Reception) and a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) guide. 

Parents of Reception new starters will be invited to an induction evening in July and your child will be asked to join us for a taster session during the same month. We will also send out details about how/when you child will start in September (as we often start the children in smaller groups during the first school week in September to make the first few days less daunting) - you will receive this information by the end of July.

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Whilst you are waiting for your 'Welcome Pack for New Starters',  you can familiarise yourself with our school website. Most of your questions will hopefully be answered in the pack you receive, but if you wish to find out more, please do not hesitate to contact our school office -

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T: 01228 712277        A: Stoneraise School | Durdar | Carlisle | CA5 7AT        E:       I: @stoneraise_school

Free paper copies of our policies can be obtained from the Office Manager - Irene Jones

Website and Content Copyright © 2024 by Stoneraise School

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