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PE and Sport Premium



During the academic year (2023-24) we received £16,000 + £10 per pupil as a sports premium funding allocation. We have used the money to enhance our sports provision for pupils and ensured children were exposed to new sports that they may not have previously experienced, from climbing and canoeing, to fell walking and archery. A large part of our plan for this academic year has been to increased the quality of sports provision through professional coaches which help develop our teachers skill and knowledge base.


Stoneraise School's evaluation report is available to download on the Policies and Procedures page of our website.



2024 - 2025


Our focus will be on expanding our PE delivery with professional coaches in multiple sports and concentrating on developing our offer to ensure children remain physically active for 30 minutes per school day. We will be working towards the School Games Award.

Our plan is to encourage more competitive sport both in school through a high quality sports based curriculum and by competing against other schools throughout the year. We have teamed up with Carlisle United to help develop our curriculum. We also have a regular after school activity linked to competitive sport. 




Current DfE guidelines require us to publish how many pupils within our Year 6 cohort (12 children) can do the following:


- swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres - 10 children

- use a range of strokes effectively - 10 children

- perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations - 10 children


This academic year children from Year 3 will attend swimming sessions during the Summer Term.

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T: 01228 712277        A: Stoneraise School | Durdar | Carlisle | CA5 7AT        E:       I: @stoneraise_school

Free paper copies of our policies can be obtained from the Office Manager - Irene Jones

Website and Content Copyright © 2024 by Stoneraise School

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