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Stoneraise School
'Living and learning together to care for each other and our world.'
T: 01228 712277 E: office@stoneraise.cumbria.sch.uk
Special Educational Needs
Mrs. Julie Paisley Is our Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENDCo). She is the main point of contact for education professionals and parents regarding SEN/D. Her email address is sendco@stoneraise.cumbria.sch.uk
At Stoneraise Primary School, we believe that every child can make progress and achieve. We ensure that our curriculum and the teaching and learning opportunities provided meet the needs of all of our pupils. We respond to pupils’ diverse learning needs, and seek to identify potential barriers to learning quickly. We support parents through EHCP needs assessments and work closely with specialist teachers to ensure our curriculum is accessible. Targeted support through our Assess Plan Do Review cycle and resources are then used to ensure all pupils are engaged and confident learners. Pupils with SEND are monitored regularly and communication between pupils, parents, staff and external specialists underpins their success.
All copies of our policies relating to SEND can be found on the Policy page of our school website.
The Local Offer
Stoneraise School works alongside Cumberland County Council to develop the local offer.
For further information about the local offer, please click here for a link to the Local Authority.