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Stoneraise School
'Living and learning together to care for each other and our world.'
T: 01228 712277 E: office@stoneraise.cumbria.sch.uk
It is expected that all children at Stoneraise School wear a school uniform. We try to ensure our uniform is affordable and available in supermarkets as well as some branded items that can be purchased through our uniform provider 'BE Uniforms'. Our school uniform is as follows:
All children
A navy blue sweatshirt/cardigan with school logo;
A light blue polo shirt;
Black school shoes.
Please do not send children into school wearing branded, expensive trainers or open-toed sandals.
Plain grey or black long trousers or shorts;
Plain socks.
Grey or black skirt, pinafore, tailored culottes or trousers;
Tights or socks.
Light blue/White T-shirt;
Navy blue shorts;
Trainers (to be left at school);
Plain jogging bottoms for Autumn/Winter term.
Children should not come to school with dyed hair or nail varnish.
Children should not wear earrings for school.
No other jewellery other than watches may be worn.
School uniform is available to buy from BE Uniforms by visiting www.teamwear.border-embroideries.co.uk and searching for 'Stoneraise'.
We're currently phasing out our old uniform logo (two sheaves of corn) to our school building logo (used on all letterheads, our website and around school). We expect this to take several years. There is no requirement to replace any uniform which displays the old logo.
Second hand uniform is sold at Fundraising the Future events throughout the school year such as our Christmas and Summer Fayres at a reduced cost.
Where needed the Head teacher will consider & determine whether any reasonable adjustments to this policy are appropriate to enable the school to comply with its’ obligations under the Human Rights Act 1998 and the Equality Act 2010. In doing so the Head teacher will be guided by the DfE publications: Guidance - School Uniforms, and How to comply with the Equality Act 2010; and the Equality and Human Rights Commission’s Technical guidance for schools.