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Stoneraise School
'Living and learning together to care for each other and our world.'
T: 01228 712277 E: office@stoneraise.cumbria.sch.uk
Wraparound Care
As a school, we run a Breakfast Club and After School Club. If you would like to know more about any of these services, please get in touch with the school office. Please read on to find out more about what's on offer and how to book a place for your child.
Breakfast Club
Breakfast Club is a great way to start your school day with your friends! There is a different choice of tasty things offered for breakfast each day such as pancakes, cereal, bagels, crumpets, and fruit with plenty of time to play too! Breakfast Club is run by a rota of school staff.
8.00 a.m. – 8.55 a.m. every day in the school hall.
£3.00 per session.
After School Club
At After School Club there are indoor and outdoor activities, games, and challenges on offer. We often have theme weeks full of fun.
Each session begins with a small welcome snack and later on another healthy snack, such as fruit, pitta bread, or bagels.
After School Club is run by Mrs. Lindsley and Miss Pattinson. If your child is starting After School Club for the first time and you want to discuss their needs or you would like to come and meet us, please don’t hesitate to ask to speak with us.
3.25 p.m. – 6 p.m. every day in the school hall
£6.00 per session
Booking for wraparound care needs to be made through Parent Pay.
Parents can book in advance up to 1pm on the day before Breakfast and After School Club.
Cancellations will need to be made before 1pm the day before. Refunds will not be possible after this time. It will be the responsibility of the parent to cancel bookings due to pupil illness
If your account is currently in arrears, you will be asked to make a payment before booking any clubs or trips.
The booking system allows you to place items into a basket and checkout within 15 minutes.
Voucher Scheme
We understand some parents use third-party voucher schemes through their employer. Please be aware this is a third-party payment and monies added can take up to 4 weeks to be credited on the ParentPay system. This is out of our control and down to the specific employer voucher scheme used. Therefore, a very small number of families will need to build up sufficient credit to book ad-hoc sessions using vouchers. From experience, the quickest voucher scheme to be credited to the system is National Savings Scheme from the Government.
Once you have added credit via the voucher scheme, you need to inform the office how you want your account credited. For example, if you add £100 of credit, please email the office with how much per child, how much per club (Breakfast, Afterschool Club, Tennis Club etc.)
Example – “I have added £102 of credit. Please can you credit the account of pupil name £12 for Breakfast Club, £18 Afterschool Club, £21 for Tennis Club, £21 for Golf Club.”
The office will then credit these accounts for you and email so you know you can book these specific clubs.
More information on getting help with childcare costs can be found here.